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DUI Lawyers Serving Scottsdale, AZ

Tait & Hall is a full-service law firm consisting of a team of experienced and well-seasoned lawyers who will aggressively fight to dismiss your Scottsdale DUI charges. If unrepresented, seeking dismissal or reduction of your charges is difficult and quite improbable. Our team’s goal is to seek dismissal of your case, which is precisely why our team will zealously represent your interests.

We are criminal defense lawyers that often represent clients who have been charged with a DUI in Scottsdale.
Not only does our team have extensive litigation experience, but we also possess the requisite skills, knowledge, and training necessary to provide you with the best defense possible.

We will scrutinize all of the alleged evidence against you, ensure that your constitutional rights remain protected, and use all of our resources to effectively defend your interests by providing the appropriate defenses for your DUI charges in Scottsdale. At Tait & Hall, our team will pounce on any mishandlings by the officers involved in your case or the prosecuting attorneys and ascertain whether your constitutional rights have been violated. We will protect your interests by aggressively combating these mishandlings and taking the appropriate steps if we believe that your constitutional rights have been violated.

Importantly, our lawyers will do what is necessary to fight for you. Our team will focus on challenging, minimizing, and/or suppressing any alleged evidence against you in order to obtain the best outcome possible, whether it be the reduction or even dismissal of your DUI charges in Scottsdale.

Our team has extensive knowledge and experience with Scottsdale Courts, having defended numerous clients against DUI charges in Scottsdale. Let us fight for you. Let us use our talented and aggressive team to provide you with the best representation possible in order to combat your DUI charges in Scottsdale.

Expert Scottsdale DUI Lawyers – Why You Need Us

No one wants to be arrested and subsequently charged with a DUI. While not ideal, our team has the necessary experience when this unfortunate event occurs. And experience is necessary because you must remember that you have been charged — not convicted.

In recent years, there has been a crackdown on drinking and driving. And, as such, prosecutors have clamped down on Scottsdale DUI defendants. Prosecutors are going to attempt to convict you and place you behind bars. As such, prosecutors will utilize their arsenal by engaging in various tactics to convict you. Prosecutors are not your friend and will use anything you say or do against you in Court.

Misdemeanor DUIs are prosecuted in Scottsdale City Court, which is located at:
3700 North 75th Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Take these DUI charges in Scottsdale against you seriously. You will need an attorney to raise a proper defense and protect your interests. You need Tait & Hall. Our team is full of proven and experienced Scottsdale attorneys that will defend your DUI charges in Scottsdale where our main goal will be to fight to get your case dismissed or reduce the charges against you.

AZ Drunk Driving Laws & Penalties

While there is uniformity among the laws in Arizona with respect to DUI charges, Scottsdale prosecutors and judges have discretion. Prosecutors have discretion in what charges are asserted against you and what plea bargains they can offer. Judges have discretion in accepting or rejecting plea bargains and increasing penalties or certain terms contained in a plea bargain. As such, Scottsdale is tough on DUIs and seeks to increase punishment for these crimes. As such, it is important to have proper representation. It is important for you to contact Tait & Hall so that we can provide you with the best defense possible.

Because Scottsdale takes DUIs very seriously, judges have mandatory DUI penalties, which include jail, counseling, fines and fees, revocation of your driving privileges, and placement of an ignition interlock device on your vehicle that you are responsible for paying. Scottsdale judges also have discretion during sentencing where they can have you participate community service, and even place you on probation.

Extreme DUI

In the unfortunate event that you are charged with an Extreme DUI, you will need our team at Tait & Hall to fight for you. An Extreme DUI is categorized as an individual having a .15 BAC or greater, which also includes a Super Extreme DUI, which is an individual having a .20 BAC or greater. The higher your BAC, the harsher the sentence. Scottsdale takes a harsh stance against drinking and driving, especially when the individual’s BAC qualifies for an Extreme or Super Extreme DUI. Scottsdale wants these drivers off the road and will use these drivers as an example and a warning. If you are charged with an Extreme DUI, you need our team at Tait & Hall because Scottsdale prosecutors will fight to convict you and focus on having the judge enhance your sentence, which could negatively impact you for years.

Were You Charged With A Drug DUI In Scottsdale?

Drug DUIs have two types which are being impaired to the slightest degree by a drug and having a controlled drug or metabolite in your system. As such, DUIs are also associated with illegal drugs like marijuana or even a legal drug with a valid prescription.

Scottsdale police officers frequently charge people with these types of DUIs, and, in those cases, a blood or urine sample is taken from you and tested. Penalties associated with these types of DUIs are just as severe as a DUI involving alcohol and include jail, counseling, fines and fees, revocation of your driving privileges, and placement of an ignition interlock device on your vehicle that you are responsible for paying.

Contact us today to find out how we can fight for you, defend your legal rights and restore your peace of mind.
Tait & Hall will represent your interests in these cases by utilizing our extensive litigation experience, skills and training. We have significant experience in mounting the appropriate defenses with respect to toxicology results, blood or urine evidence and any other issues that might arise in defending your case.

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